What’s your favorite book that nobody else has heard of?
My favorite book that (probably) nobody else has heard of is The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language by Steven Pinker.
In this classic study, the world's leading expert on language and the mind lucidly explains everything you always wanted to know about languages: how it works, how children learn it, how it changes, how the brain computes it, and how it evolved. With wit, erudition, and deft use of everyday examples of humor and wordplay, Steven Pinker weaves our vast knowledge of language into a compelling story: language is a human instinct, wired into our brains by evolution like web spinning in spiders or sonar bats. The Language Instinct received the William James Book Prize from the American Psychological Association and the Public Interest Award from the Linguistics Society of America.I read this book in a college class called The Psychology of Learning. I was the only non-psychology major in the class, and I loved the book the most. I read a few more of his books for fun after that. See below:

Watch him speak about his newest book, The Stuff of Thought.

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