Quick facts:
1. He was born in Manhattan on April 25, 1906 and died September 17, 1991.
2. He always wanted to be an artist but his family disapproved, so he studied medicine.
3. He gave up the practice of medicine (early on, 1930s) when an advertising manager paid him $1500 a piece for each of 5 of his medical illustrations.
4. His first famous illustrations were fold-up versions of various organs; the first one was of the heart (originally to promote the sale of digitalis by a drug company).
5. In 1989, Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy was published for the first time.
Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy is the most loved and best selling anatomy atlas in the English language. In over 540 beautifully colored and easily understood illustrations, it teaches the complete human body with unsurpassed clarity and accuracy.

6. He produced over 4000 illustrations during his career and medical students continue to learn anatomy and surgery from his atlases.
My favorite Frank Netter illustration: