Today's author is Chris Bohjalian.
Quick Facts:
1. He was born in White Plains, NY, and now lives in Lincoln, VT with his wife and daughter.
2. He writes a weekly newspaper column for The Burlington Free Press called "Idyll Banter."
3. His first novel, A Killing in the Real World, was published in 1988.
4. He became a very popular author in 1998 after Oprah chose his novel Midwives as a book club selection.

5. He won the New England Book Award in 2002.
Some of his other books...

Are you a Chris Bohjalian fan? Did you read Midwives when Oprah selected it for her book club?
I read Midwives and loved it, but I never read any of his other books. I think I'll put a couple of them on my to-read list.