Monday, October 5, 2009

Movie Mondays

The Hunt for Red October

Book, 1984 by Tom Clancy

Somewhere under the Atlantic, a Soviet sub commander has just made a fateful decision: the Red October is heading west. The Americans want her. The Russians want her back. And the most incredible chase in history is on....
The Hunt for Red October is the runaway bestseller that launched Tom Clancy's phenomenal career. A military thriller so accurate and convincing that the author was rumored to have been debriefed by the White House. Its theme: the greatest espionage coup in history. Its story: the chase for a runaway top secret Russian missile sub.

The Hunt for Red October was the first in a somewhat connected series by Tom Clancy sharing loose continuity and characters, particularly Jack Ryan.

Movie, 1990 directed by John McTiernan

Features: Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin, James Earl Jones

Tagline: Invisible. Silent. Stolen.

Awards: Nominated for 3 Oscars & won 1: Best Effects & Sound Effects Editing

The movie received negative reviews from many publications upon its release but was still one of the top grossing films of the year.

Are you a Tom Clancy fan? Have you read this one or any other of his books (or the film adaptations) like Clear and Present Danger or The Sum of All Fears?
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