Fox 2000 has optioned the movie rights to Water for Elephants!!! This isn't really new news since it happened back in September, but I didn't know about it until now! I think we should go see it together (when it comes out in 2010) as a club event. It doesn't look like it's been casted yet, so who do you hope stars in the movie? Here's who I thought of:
Young Jacob: Ryan Gosling, James McAvoy, or Jake Gyllenhaal

Old Jacob: Robert Redford

Marlena: Natalie Portman, Keira Knightley, or Emma Watson

August: Clive Owen, Robert Downey Jr., or Eric Bana

Uncle Al: Joe Mantegna or Alfred Molina

Kinko/Walter: Peter Dinklage or Danny Woodburn

Camel: William H. Macy

Rosemary: Queen Latifah

Any other ideas?