Saturday, January 7, 2012

Whispers from the Ashes [Kindle Edition] by Patricia Hester

Since we all have the ability to read e-versions of books I thought I'd hilight a book that could be delivered wirelessly. It's on Amazon for $4.99 or if you have their rime membership it's free.

Whispers from Ashes
What a delightful coming of age novel by a new author. It is a fast moving story about Molly, a young girl searching for answers from the past as she moves forward to the future. Molly is a member of close knit family in the 1950's. She has a loving mom who has so much love to give that she shares it with her children as well as the children of other family members. She has a warmhearted dad who is probably an alcoholic but she constantly forgives his binges because of her deep love and respect for him. Molly's stories of family hardships and good times are entwined with a family secret she is attempting to solve by eavesdropping on private family conversations and trips to the library searching old newspapers. This appears to be is an innocent novel but at times there are shocking revelations. A very good read.
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