Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thoughts for Thursday

What's the best book you've read that was required for school or work?

My favorite book I've read for school is Searching for Memory by Daniel Schacter.

Daniel Schacter, a Harvard professor of psychology and researcher into the workings of memory and the brain, authoritatively summarizes the most up-to-date scientific knowledge in this controversial field. Many of the advances have come from the study of brain-damaged patients: some remember past events clearly, yet forget the basics of everyday knowledge; others have precisely the reverse affliction. Putting this work together with brain scans and experiments on normal people, a useful understanding has emerged of the connections between the brain and the mind, and of the different types of memory. Schacter also bravely refutes the notion of "recovered memory," arguing persuasively that false memories can be easily created.

I read this book for a class in college called The Psychology of Learning. I especially enjoyed the parts about repressed and false memory and its impact on eyewitness testimony and recounting childhood events. I read a bunch of other interesting books for that class too. It's the class where I found out about all of Steven Pinker's books and Chomskyan linguistics.
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